A scalp disorder is a condition or irritation of the scalp that may cause flakiness, rashes, inflammation, and in extreme cases, scalp disorders can also lead to hair loss. They can become very uncomfortable and even a little embarrassing too, you know? Thankfully though, there are reliable solutions that can treat most conditions! If you are like most people, the first question you probably have is "where do I even start"?
Well, worry not. Allow me to assist you. I will get straight to the point! 👇🏽

Here are the top 5 scalp disorders that I see in the salon and/or clients have questions about: dandruff, scalp psoriasis, cradle cap, dry/itchy scalp, and alopecia.
As your trusted hair care advisor, I want to give you sound advice that would really help you with your (or maybe your child's) hair and scalp condition.
RULE #1: STOP!!!
If you are serious about seeking treatment for your condition then you have GOT to stop ignoring the signs. Stop patting your head, stop scratching your scalp so much, stop wearing hairstyles that your scalp does not agree with, and stop using products that contain harsh chemicals and are drying you (or your baby's hair) out. I know that it's probably easier said than it is done... but deep down inside you know you've got to stop! Your scalp is screaming for relief, so here is what you should do next:
Professionals are "the professionals" for a reason. They have already done the dirty work for you of learning your condition and researching treatment options. Your doctor, dermatologist, trichologist, or well-educated hairstylist are probably the most reliable sources for you... USE THEM. It is important that you understand that while most scalp disorders may not be fully "cureable" the goal in most cases is about providing you with relief and treatments from those very uncomfortable conditions
When it comes to the hair and scalp, my opinion is that a trichologist and/or a trusted hairstylist are the best options. Think about it. Although you doctor or dermatologist is definitely qualified enough, they more-than-likely not dealing with conditions of the hair or scalp on a daily basis. So ultimately you may end up with a "generic diagnosis" and receive some "generic care treatments" (that you might not even need either..just saying).
On the other hand, your certified trichologist and/or trusted hairstylist does works with the hair and scalp consistently so why wouldn't these people have a reliable solution for you? Of course, it is always wise to do your research prior to booking services with a professional.
So as you guys know by now, I am definitely the "just say no to harsh chemicals" type of stylist. My advice 99% of the time will always take you to "the healthier" route. So with that being said, here are my tips 😁👇🏽:
DANDRUFF (aka pityriasis) is caused as a result of overly productive skin cells. Because of this overproduction, a fungal yeast known as malassezia becomes present on the scalp. Malassezia, is naturally found on or within the body so a lot of our scalp disorders will likely be "fighting" this battle. In order to properly treat dandruff it is important that you understand that dandruff comes in two types.
Two Types of Dandruff:
Pityriasis capitis simplex, is typically scaly, itchy, flaky, and painless. For treatments you would want to lean towards anti-fungal options such as anti-fungal dandruff shampoos, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, hot oil treatments, anti-fungal scalp scrubs, and sulfur containing products.
Pityriasis steroids, is just like what it sounds like 😣 the more severe case of dandruff. This particular type of dandruff has a much thicker, greasier texture since it is often combined with sebum. Severe dandruff is often accompanied by inflammation and irritation of the scalp. Some holistic treatment options for this condition would be the anti-fungal options listed above, garlic/garlic extracts, and/or vitamin B complexes.
SCALP PSORIASIS , an incurable issue can be controlled and go into remission. People who suffer from this condition experience frequent flare-ups which ultimately causes extreme discomfort. Like dandruff, this condition is caused by an overproduction of skin cells which typically spirals out of control if not properly treated. The skin cells on the scalp become really thick scales which are called plaques.
For treatment consider creams that contain zinc, coal tar soaps and products, tea tree oil, lavender oil, anti-fungal or anti-inflammatory scalp scrub, coconut oil, garlic, apple cider vinegar.
CRADLE CAP is pretty similar to pityriasis steroids, which is extreme dandruff in babies. Studies have also shown that some chemicals in some baby care products may actually be too harsh for your babies skin, causing their scalp to become very dry.
A great treatment that I tried on my own daughter worked very effectively (one and done treatment btw) was making a paste using baking soda, coconut oil, and water. I let massaged the paste into her scalp for 2 minutes. Combed/bushed through her hair thoroughly and then I rinsed it out. I never had issues with that cradle cap again after that!
A few other options you can consider are apple cider vinegar spray diluted with water let this solution sit for a minute then rinse.
Brown sugar and coconut oil combined can be an awesome exfoliater.
And breastmilk has been known to be a great option too! Squirt a little bit on your babies head (I'm serious) leave it on for a bit then rinse your babies head with warm water... you may have to do these 2 or 3 times to see results.
DRY, ITCHY SCALP is often the result of using harsh chemicals and/or the sign of a bacterial/fungal infection. The chemicals found in most products (and even hair) are leading straight to itchy, bumpy, irritated scalps!
A scalp mask that contains honey might would great for this condition, since it contains antibacterial/anti-fungal properties. Hot oil treatments, garlic, ACV rinse, avocado mask, and coconut oils are great as well. Avoid chemical products and opt for natural products instead. Soak hair in an anti-fungal/anti-bacterial rinses such as apple cider vinegar prior to using.
ALOPECIA is general term used to describe a variety of scalp issues relating to hair loss. If you are experiencing any type of hair loss issues, it is imperative that you seek professional assistance to properly diagnosis your issue. This will is crucial in order to determine what treatment options for hair regrowth.
Some external holistic treatment options would involve your stimulating your blood flow in the head. This can be done by a gentle massages to your scalp. Another option is to consider stimulating oils such as peppermint, lavender, tea tree, or rosemary (great when combined with your scalp massage). But for these treatments to be effective remember, it is important to consult with your hair care professional.
Scalp disorders are not uncommon and can be easily treated.
It is important to acknowledge that your internal and external conditions play a HUGE role in your overall condition. Be sure to consider your nutrition factors, your water intake, your stress factors, your hygiene, your pH levels, and your usage of toxic (or potentially toxic) chemicals.
Do you have tips or suggestions that you would like to share?? Be sure to leave a comment and tell us about it!!
Follow me on social media! IG: @thebeautyentrepreneur Facebook: Teri - The Natural Hair Specialist